Saving Grace Animal Society was started by Erin Michelle Deems in 2015. After working in the animal health world for 10 years, and being unhappy with her ability to create change in the way animals are treated, Erin made an extremely bold move, and cashed in all the money from her pensions to start Saving Grace Animal Society. She was soon joined by co-founder Amanda McClughan. The two combined their passions and built the foundation for the organization out of stone. Saving Grace has grown astronomically since their inception. In 2021, 6 years after they started, they facilitated the rescue and adoption of 1880 companion pets into new loving homes, had 2775 animals go through their program, and conducted 2200 vet surgeries. The cost of their operations is extensive and averages $100,000 per month; which is completely supported by fund-raising, sponsorships, and donations. With over 100,000 supporters on Facebook Saving Grace’s work is turning heads. Join Saving Grace in this documentary and see what it takes to become one of the fastest growing animal rescues in North America.